This is a keto version of a German meal. In German this would be keto schnitzel mit senfrahmsauce, gebratenem knollensellerie und sauerkraut. I used ground pork rinds again, but mixed it with some almond flour to make it taste more like bread crumbs. Since the breading already has lard in it, I just air-fried it instead of shallow-frying it. Shallow-frying and deep-frying can damage the breading when using pork rinds, but your food tastes like it was deep-fried in lard even if you air-fry it. Pork and veal is more traditional for schnitzel, but chicken can be used as well. Calories for this meal will vary depending on the leaness of the meat, but it's right at about 600.

Keto Schnitzel with Mustard Cream Sauce, Fried Celery Root, and Sauerkraut



Schnitzel: Flatten out a cutlet of pork, veal, or chicken with a meat tenderizer. Mix together the almond flour, ground pork rinds, salt, and pepper. Dip the cutlet in the egg yolk, then dip in the breading. Air-fry at 400 degrees for 14-20 minutes until breading is crispy and meat is fully cooked.

Fried Celery Root: Cut celery root into 1 to 1.5-inch pieces, about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick (similar in size to thinly sliced fried potatoes). Boil the celery root for 10 minutes, or until soft. Strain out the water and set celery root to the side. Add 1 tbsp tallow or ghee to the pan and add diced bacon and onions or shallots and saute for one minute. Add boiled celery root, and pan-fry until golden brown on both side along with the bacon and onions. Remove from pan and keep warm

Senfrahmsauce: Add the broth or stock to the pan the fried celery root was cooked in to deglaze the pan and add extra flavor. Reduce, and add the mustard and heavy cream. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Reduce to sauce consistency.

Plating: Place the schnitzel on a warm plate next to the fried celery root and sauerkraut. Pour the senfrahmsauce over the schnitzel. Keto Schnitzel