This is based off cloud pizza from Tiktok. I've made cloud calzone using a similar technique. I wanted to make the lowest calorie dish I could. I don't have the exact calories, but it is somewhere between 200-250. The "noodles" have about 34 calories. I used an onion filling, because onions have a lot of volume and flavor with very little calories. A small amount of parmesan and bacon adds flavor to the onions without adding too many calories. That said, you could use low fat chicken sausage or lean ground beef and this would STILL be a very low calorie dish. As far as using oil, I would recommend this for people who are not experienced cooks, even if it adds calories. It was a challenge to remove the "noodles" from the parchment paper without breaking them, but I had to do something to keep the calories under 250. Calories can also be reduced by making your own marinara sauce. The four ingredients that are needed as a base are good-quality(make sure they taste good) canned crushed tomatoes, exta virgin olive oil, chopped fresh basil, and salt. From there other ingredients can be added. I used a pre-made organic marinara sauce for this recipe.

Cloud Ravioli


Make an onion filling by heating the bacon in a skillet. Then add the onions and parmesan, and then brown them. If not using oil in the pan, water can be added to the pan to help soften the onions while preventing burning. All of the water must be cooked out though. This can be repeated as many times as is necessary. Beat two room temperature egg whites seasoned with Italian herbs, dried garlic, salt, and black pepper to soft peaks stage. Spread on a sheet of parchment paper sprayed with oil(optional, but recommended) in a square shape. Bake at 400 degrees for 5 minutes, or until the crust is a light brown color. Cut into 20 ravioli shaped squares(4x5). Pair up the smaller squares with a bigger square, top with some of the onion filling, place the bigger square on top, and crimp the egg washed bottom square with a fork to seal it. Brush the top of the raviolis with the egg yolk wash and air fry or bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Top with marinara sauce and parmesan.

Cloud Ravioli