This is a recipe that has under 500 calories and tastes like it has 1000 calories. It has 21 carbs, 46 grams of protein, and 18 grams of fat based on my calorie counting app. Air-frying keeps the calories low and pork panko and einkorn flour raises the protein content. Einkorn flour is also a very healthy ancient grain with a low glycemic index. It's one of the oldest grains out there. I made a syrup out of allulose. Allulose is a new natural zero-calorie sweetener that can be used in candy-making just like real sugar. As a result I was able to make a syrup with it. I didn't have maple extract so I added vanilla and threw Brazil nuts in there since those were the only nuts I had on hand. It was quite the same as real maple syrup but for something with zero calories it was great. With this recipe and can eat fried chicken and waffles and not have to worry about my blood sugar. I buy pre-ground pork rinds off the Walmart app under the brand name Pork Panko. It will make the chicken taste like it was deep-fried in lard while adding far fewer calories than actual deep-frying. If you're not worried about the sugar or don't want to eat allulose then you can just use regular maple syrup. Or maybe mix organic blue agave syrup with maple extract for a lower glycemic index syrup. If you don't have an air fryer you can use an oven, cook times will be similar.

Fried Chicken and Einkorn Flour Waffles with Sugar-free Vanilla-nut Syrup



Chicken and Waffles